Tuesday, November 25, 2014

What Makes a Community? Would you like Miley Cyrus to be part of your community?

I look at community in a hierarchical classification perspective:

From biggest to smallest:

Inside a community are definitely people, people that are diverse, different qualities and characteristics, male or female, etc. On a daily basis, we interact with numerous people, from work to home, and even virtually. Without the human race, a community cannot be formed. It's great to meet new people everyday or even keep up with older ones, because in that case, you're building connections with them which can lead to improving and growing your community stronger. A community can mean anything you want that reflects on you and someone else. It can be made up with a common interest, for example, sports. You can even meet up with a group of people that enjoy the Seahawks or 49ers ;)
There's not a maximum number for who can be in a community or how many communities can exist. The idea is to grow your community or create sub communities, meaning there can be a community inside of a community. A community might get large, but numbers shouldn't affect what you do with your community. The best way is to split it into minor ones but also it should reflect overall upon the actual community in the first place.

And having that said, having Miley Cyrus be part of your community will definitely make things happier and better. :D

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