Saturday, November 29, 2014

Extra Credit Post: P A S S W O R D

From last week's discussion, we discussed how there are so many cyber criminals growing out there in the virtual world, hacking and stealing our data in and out of our computers and devices. It comes to a sense that we are not safe at all. We're are very well vulnerable to all such in any matter of time. We did discuss how our passwords can make it more difficult for hackers to steal our information. I remember hearing Andrew saying that really long passwords with combinations of numbers, letters, and special characters will prevent you from getting attacked, but in that case, who can actually remember these passwords. It's way too long, and writing it down on paper or so will get you exposed on the inside.
There's an interesting article I read the other day, it's linked right here. It discussed about ways to keep your accounts and passwords secured with a password generator. For example, 1Password is a software that will generate really long and difficult passwords for you and store them for later when you sign into another account or service. First of all, these password generators cost $$$. Second of all, do you really trust technology holding all your information, in place as a memory system? I really don't think these password generators are even worth it. Consider the fact if these softwares get hacked, then all of your passwords will be exposed. I honestly think that the best way to memorize a strong password is a mnemonic device, like in math it's PEMDAS. Or in Andrew Fry's case, go find a book and copy down the first few words of a chapter (with spaces!).

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